We're coming together from all across the country to launch the next iMarch for immigration reform. We need you with us. Will you join us?
RSVP for the iMarch

iMarch 2017

Thunderclap | Reason for Reform | Our First iMarch

With Congress preparing to take action on the DREAM Act this winter, New American Economy and its partners are preparing to host an online and offline iMarch.

We’ll host online forums and events in all 50 states and Washington, DC. With help from leaders in agriculture, business, education, manufacturing, tech, faith, hospitality and tourism, military, political leadership, Dreamers, celebrities and other key constituencies, our goal is to engage policymakers from both parties and demonstrate the overwhelming bipartisan support for immigration reform.

We invite you to use the tools on this page to sign up and get involved. Please get in touch with Dan Wallace if you are interested in taking a leadership role in the iMarch.

Take Action


On the day of the iMarch, we want our immigration reform message to be everywhere you look on social media – but we need your help to do it.

We created a Thunderclap campaign that will let supporters and advocates from across the country speak with one loud, united voice on the day of the iMarch.

[thunderclap url=https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/62875-imarch-for-immigration-reform twitter=NewAmericanEcon width=800px metaimg=https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/760887300289159168/nktDAqxg_400x400.jpg metatext=”New American Economy”]

Reason for Reform

Individual stories are the foundation of our Reason For Reform campaign, and we’re collecting as many of them as possible to send straight to Congress. Would you be willing to send a quick video clip with your reason for immigration reform to your Members of Congress?

Our First iMarch

In 2013, New American Economy (NAE) and dozens of other organizations joined together to launch the largest-ever virtual march for immigration reform. Watch the video below to learn more about the original iMarch.


About NAE

New American Economy is a bipartisan research and advocacy organization fighting for smart federal, state, and local immigration policies that help grow our economy and create jobs for all Americans. More…