Grand Forks Herald: New stats and a new plan for Grand Forks’ new Americans
Date: February 25, 2018
Grand Forks leaders have new, revealing statistics about local immigration—and by the end of the year, they’ll have a plan for the community to go with it.
That new data is an early step toward a “Welcoming City” plan, spearheaded by city staff and Grand Forks’ Immigrant Integration Initiative and due out by September. City leaders and volunteers are pursuing the plan after winning a technical grant from two nationwide, immigrant-focused groups earlier this fall. That means that, although city staff will spend time compiling the report, no public cash is expected to be spent, with the groups behind the grant providing the help to make it happen.
“We’re looking both at how we can better help new Americans that come to our community,” said Robin David, a leader of the Immigrant Integration Initiative, “(and) very much so, how do we help our community be able to benefit from what they have to offer?”
David said that means the report could have recommendations about how to better invite new Americans into the workforce, into churches and into “civic engagement.” The report will include data from multiple focus groups conducted this year, she said, and its release will coincide with local and national events recognizing new Americans.
Read the full story from Grand Forks Herald: “New stats and a new plan for Grand Forks’ new Americans”